Ice Ice Baby: 7 Signs You Really Hate The Winter

Hating the cold is not something you just woke up and realized one day. No. You have always hated it. You absolutely dread watching the leaves dying and falling off the trees, exposing the branches and all their nakedness. It only means one thing: you’re next.

Winter is like that clingy friend that just never gets the hint; it always comes back and you have to deal with it. Sure, some people love the winter, but if you’re reading this, chances are, you aren’t one of them.

Once the winter months come storming through, you will mentally prepare yourself with excuses to go into hibernation. The gusts of wind cut your face and make you shiver. There are even moments where you consider buying a full face mask, you know the kind that robbers wear, just to brave the cold.

The only time you enjoy the cold is when you’re inside, and thinking about how nice it is not to be outside. We hate the winter for a million reasons, but here’s 7 that remind you just how much mother nature can suck:

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1. Layers Make You Claustrophobic

Fall was really fun. You really liked wearing cute skinny jeans with riding boots and a loose sweater. Sure, it’s not as free as shorts and a tank in the summer, but it was still nice.

Now that a polar vortex is upon you, you realize that being cute can no longer be a priority, unless you want to freeze to death. You try not to gag a little when you realize your heavy down jacket, thick leggings and boots will be the three main items of your wardrobe this season.

2. Seasonal Depression

Cold weather makes you sad. Vitamin C from the sun makes you happy. No one wants to be outside in the sun if the air is 34 degrees Fahrenheit, with a windchill making it feel like 10 degrees.

You feel confined to your living space because you’d rather remain in your warm box than venture out into the tundra that we call the outside. Thus, you are sadder.

3. You Never Want To Go Outside

Going outside would require some serious will power, and a desire to expose yourself to the elements. No thank you. You’d rather not risk frostbite. Instead, you prefer to create a nest inside your bed where you make yourself into a cocoon and binge watch Netflix.

Leaving the warmth of your bed is a fate worse than death, and no, you’re not exaggerating.

4. Your Nose Is ALWAYS Cold. Always.

There is no way to keep your nose warm, there just isn’t. It’s cold at night, it’s cold in the day. Your only method to make this better is to sleep with the covers pulled slightly over your face, but even that makes you feel like you’re suffocating a bit. Another reason why cold is a cruel act by mother nature.

5. You Count Down The Days Until Summer

The second you feel the slightest chill in the air, you’re already wishing it was summertime.

“Why do the seasons change so fast!? Summer! Summer, can you hear me?! Please come back, Summer. I’m so lonely and cold without you. I need you. I’ll do anything to see you again. I’ll appreciate you like you deserve this time, Summer!”

You longingly look at the calendar on your phone or laptop and wish that you could move through the months quicker in order to feel warmth on your skin, once again.

6.The First Snow Makes You Cry

You gaze out your window and watch the snow fall from the sky, and ask yourself why this has to happen. You just don’t understand, “What is the point, nature? Why must you freeze me and make my tears turn to ice?”

7. Winter Sports Are Your Personal Hell

People who tell you how excited they are to ski, snowboard, or anything involving activities outside confuse you. It is generally very hard for you to understand how it’s possible to enjoy below freezing weather and play games in it. Why would you do that to yourself, why?

Part of you truly wonders if people who enjoy the winter are really human. There’s just no way it’s possible to thrive in this kind of weather, right? Right.